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FARO扫描仪应用于电视剧 “沉没的证人”中

文章来源:faro 作者:frank 发布时间:2010年05月24日 点击数: 字号:



In part 1 of the episode "Terror" the team investigates an armed raid on a suspected terrorist cell in which two terrorists and a police officer are killed. When Nikki's findings point to a bungled raid with innocent lives being lost, people start to pass the buck. Fighting hostility and closed ranks, she beguiles her way into the police armed response unit to try to uncover what might have gone wrong. Meanwhile, Harry is given the task of identifying one of the victims.



第 1 部分 15日 10月2008
21:00h | BBC One
21:00h | BBC HD

18日 10月2008
22:00h | BBC HD

21日 10月2008
02:20h | BBC One

第 2 部分
16日 10月 2008
21:00h | BBC One
21:00h | BBC HD

18日 10月 2008
23:00h | BBC HD

22日 10月2008
2:35h | BBC One

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